Locate Information In The Selection To Determine Whether Each Statement Is True (T) Or False (F)._____ 7. There Is A Reward For Good People In Heaven.

Locate information in the selection to determine whether each statement is true (T) or false (F)._____ 7. There is a reward for good people in heaven.


There is a reward for good people in heaven. Answer: True


In the reading selection, there is no mentioning exactly that there is a reward for good people who will go to heaven upon death. But, the thought of heaven is like the thought of being in paradise, and that itself is a reward already.  

Imagine the thought of being in hell (as what we believe there is) cast in ravaging fires through eternity would be such a miserable and agonizing situation. Therefore, being in heaven is a great reward indeed.  


For more elaboration about the story od creation (Maranao), you may refer to the following links:




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