Why Does The Big Car Has A Greater Momentum?

Why does the big car has a greater momentum?

Good Day

Momentum is the tendency of an object to continue moving. The mathematical formula of momentum is (momentum = mass × velocity)

This means, heavier object have bigger momentum compared to lighter or smaller object considering if they are moving at the same velocity.


Two objects with different mass running at the same velocity 20 m/s east and heavy object has 50 kg mass and lighter object has 25 kg mass. Which has greater momentum?

                                      Heavy object                    Lighter Object

m (mass)                           50 kg                                  25 kg

v (velocity)                        20 m/s                                  20 m/s

p (momentum)                     ?                                            ?                      

                Momentum (heavy object)               Momentum (Light Object)

                        p = mv                                        p = mv

                          = 100 kg × 10 m/s                      = 50 kg × 10 m/s

                          = 1000 kg.m/s                           = 500 kg.m/s

                           Greater momentum               Lesser momentum

Bigger object are usually heavy, which have greater momentum compared to smaller object that are lighter


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